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GREENMAX Foam Screw Compactor and Hot Melting Densifier

GREENMAX foam screw compactor and hot melting densifier are specialized machinery designed for recycling different types of foam materials like EPS (Expanded Polystyrene), XPS (Extruded Polystyrene), and EPE (Expanded Polyethylene). These machines play a significant role in reducing the volume of foam waste, making the recycling process more efficient and cost-effective.

Foam Screw Compactor
GREENMAX foam screw compactor uses a powerful mechanism to compress foam waste. By applying mechanical pressure through a screw mechanism, the compactor can reduce the volume of the foam by a significant ratio, often up to 50:1. This process is not only beneficial for reducing storage and transportation costs but also helps in managing waste more effectively. The compacted foam is then easier to handle and can be processed into pellets or blocks which are used in various applications, including the production of new plastic products.


Foam Hot Melting Densifier
GREENMAX foam hot melting densifier takes the process a step further by using heat along with pressure to densify foam waste. This machine heats the foam to a point where it melts and extrudes it into dense ingots. The volume reduction ratio can be even higher than that achieved by compacting alone, reaching up to 90:1. This process transforms the foam into a form that is highly economical to transport and can be reused in manufacturing processes.


These recycling technologies not only support environmental sustainability by reducing the landfill space required for foam waste but also contribute to economic efficiency by reducing the costs associated with waste management and material transport. The recycled material can also be reintroduced into the production cycle, promoting a circular economy.

GREENMAX foam recycling technologies are particularly beneficial for industries that deal with significant amounts of packaging waste, such as electronics manufacturers and distributors, as well as companies specializing in food packaging, where foam is commonly used. These machines are an integral part of modern waste management solutions, aligning with global efforts towards sustainability and reduced environmental impact.

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