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Konami Gaming Tackles Warehouse Foam Storage Issues with Foam Densifier

Konami Gaming, Inc., headquartered in Japan, stands as a global leader in gaming software, known for hits like "Silent Hill," "Contra," and "Live Football." In addition to game development, Konami also operates a slot machine assembly facility in Las Vegas, USA. 

During the assembly process, many of the components used in Konami's slot machines are sourced from overseas markets. The packaging and shipping of these parts result in significant EPS foam waste.

Previously, Konami partnered with local recyclers to manage their foam waste, paying them for collection services. However, the inconsistent schedule of the recyclers often led to storage challenges. If the foam waste wasn't collected within 1-2 weeks, it created significant storage issues for Konami's warehouse. Although lightweight, EPS foam takes up substantial space.

After thorough market research, Konami identified GREENMAX as a leader in foam recycling. GREENMAX not only provides foam recycling equipment but also repurchases compressed foam blocks. These blocks are processed into architectural products, aligning perfectly with Konami's low-carbon and community service goals.

Within two months, Konami successfully installed a GREENMAX foam densifier in their warehouse. Despite scheduling issues due to the pandemic, GREENMAX arranged for a senior engineer to offer virtual guidance. Following a learning period, the EPS foam densifier now operates seamlessly. Just 1-2 hours of daily operation effectively manages the day's foam waste, significantly improving the efficiency of Konami's workshop operations.

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